6 Mar 2024
11:00 am ET
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Proven, Practical Ways to Identify and Design for Skills
Brian Blecke, Partner, Senior Learning Strategist and Kelly Smith, Partner, Senior Learning Strategist, Actio Learning

Elevate and Empower: A Guide for Strategically Upskilling Your Team
Kelly Wiggins, Client Experience Manager, BizLibrary

Jungle Gyms and Ladders: How to Build an Immersive Learning Strategy and Practice
Yogini Joglekar, PhD., Chief Operations Officer, Edstutia

Bridge Your Global IT Skills Gap and Drive Transformation
Julie Sherman, Manager, Global Partnerships and Alliances, Intrepid by VitalSource and Brian Cator, Senior Director, Software Engineering, CoreLogic

The Power of Nudging: How Small Changes Drive Employee Skill Development
Leslie Farinella, Chief Strategy Officer, Xyleme, Inc.

Upskilling continues to be a top priority — and challenge — for organizations, as identified in Training Industry’s 2024 Trends Report. The shelf life of skills is shrinking, and the pressure is on learning and development (L&D) to not only identify current skill gaps but also predict the skills needed for the future.

During this Training Industry Leader Talk, industry experts will shed light on the imperative of putting skills at the forefront of your organizational strategy. Attendees will gain insights into creating competency models or skills maps for specific roles, delivering assessments and developing relevant training to address identified skills gaps.

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