Writing for Training Industry
Want to Write for Training Industry?
We are always looking for great content to publish and welcome contributions from learning and development (L&D) professionals. Your article submissions help Training Industry reflect what’s trending in training and help us keep our community up to date with the latest information. We publish in two ways: (1) in Training Industry Magazine and (2) articles on our website.
Training Industry Magazine
Training Industry Magazine is our award-winning quarterly publication that connects L&D professionals with the resources and solutions needed to more effectively manage the business of learning. The editorial calendar for Training Industry Magazine is created annually based on proposals we receive during our open submissions period (May through July). We will publish a link to the application during our call for proposals.
Website Articles
We accept submissions for TrainingIndustry.com all year on topics relevant to training professionals. Articles should focus on sharing thought leadership, ideas, inspiration and how-tos and must contribute knowledge or insights valuable to training professionals.
We are currently accepting submissions on the following topics:
- Trends impacting the future of training.
- The application of artificial intelligence in corporate training.
- Improving learner engagement and training outcomes.
- Evaluating training effectiveness and proving the impact of training.
- Upskilling strategies and solutions.
- L&D’s role in change management.
- Leading and training the modern workforce.
- Delivering training with limited resources and budget.
- L&D’s role in the employee experience.
- How to use and implement learning technologies.
- Real-world case studies on L&D programs within companies.
- L&D’s role in building an equitable workplace.
- Training for specific industries, job roles and experience levels.
- Development of soft skills, or “human skills.”
- Identifying and closing skills gaps.
- Leading the training function (skills, responsibilities, etc.).
- Career advice and tips for L&D professionals.
Training Industry Author Guidelines
- Articles must be original and currently unpublished.
- You can share ideas for initial approval or submit final articles for editorial review.
- Articles are subject to editing from Training Industry editors. No substantial edits are made without approval.
- Articles should focus on sharing thought leadership, ideas, inspirations, how-tos and other content of concrete value to training professionals.
- Articles should in no way speak negatively about competitors or other company/industry processes or practices.
- Articles have no firm word count, but 700-1,000 words is a good target size. Shorter or longer articles are still considered.
- All articles must be non-commercial, with no references to company products, services or solutions.
- The author’s company may be named in the bio at the end of the article, with a hyperlink included. Bios should be limited to two sentences.
- Please avoid first-person references (“I,” “We,” etc.) in articles.
- Non-copyrighted art, tables and graphics may be submitted and will be used as space allows.
- Articles should be submitted in Word format.
- Properly cite all sources, including hyperlinks when available. Hyperlinked content must be freely available and ungated.
- Authors may not republish the article without prior permission from Training Industry.
- Authors must sign the Training Industry author agreement. Authors are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of all information and must confirm that articles are not subject to existing copyright or restrictions.
Editorial Contacts
Our editorial team is ready to help you turn your great ideas into a polished article. Editors review and publish content based on topic area, so please contact the editor associated with your topic of interest. Or, if you’re ready to submit a website article for review, you can submit it here.
Compliance Training Danielle Johnson djohnson@trainingindustry.com |
Onboarding Danielle Johnson djohnson@trainingindustry.com |
Content Development Jenny Ayers jayers@trainingindustry.com |
Performance Management Danielle Johnson djohnson@trainingindustry.com |
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Sarah Gallo sgallo@trainingindustry.com |
Personalization and Learning Pathways Jenny Ayers jayers@trainingindustry.com |
IT and Technical Training Danielle Johnson djohnson@trainingindustry.com |
Professional Development Sarah Gallo sgallo@trainingindustry.com |
Leadership Development Sarah Gallo sgallo@trainingindustry.com |
Remote Learning Jenny Ayers jayers@trainingindustry.com |
Learning Services and Outsourcing Jenny Ayers jayers@trainingindustry.com |
Sales Training Jenny Ayers jayers@trainingindustry.com |
Learning Technologies Sarah Gallo sgallo@trainingindustry.com |
Strategy, Alignment and Planning Jenny Ayers jayers@trainingindustry.com |
Measurement and Analytics Danielle Johnson djohnson@trainingindustry.com |
Workforce Development Danielle Johnson djohnson@trainingindustry.com |
For questions related to Training Industry Magazine, please email mallen@trainingindustry.com.
For general article inquiries, please email editor@trainingindustry.com.