Our annual State of the Industry report on the leadership training market provides an overview of current training and sourcing practices companies are using for leadership development.
As the keepers of strategic talent development in their companies, L&D can – and should – play a key role in eliminating the leadership gender gap.
Leaders play an important role in shaping the success of the companies they lead. How can organizations know if their executives are prepared to lead?
Organizations rely on employees to display courage when completing job tasks and interacting with customers, team members and subordinates.
With estimates of organizational spending exceeding $2 billion annually on leadership training, maximizing return on investment (ROI) is critical.
Although training to help leaders influence work behavior is an area of significant investment for many organizations, the ability of both managers and coworkers to influence employee behavior may not manifest the same way across generations.
The power to shape behavior through influence is a crucial ability for leaders in organizations. But how is influence in leadership currently being developed and utilized in organizations?
How do leaders use expertise to influence employee behavior, and how do knowledge workers react to that expertise?
With the global economy shifting to one that is driven by human talent, corporations are becoming increasingly reliant on highly-skilled, technical employees.