What Makes a Great Training Organization?
Your guide to transforming your training function into a high-performing, strategic department that drives business results.
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58 pages | Published May 2020
PRICE: $245
Including two job aids to help you apply key insights
A Decade of Research
For over a decade, Training Industry Inc. has studied the key drivers of training organizations’ functioning across industries and companies in order to identify the process capabilities and practices that define great training organizations. This report gives you the first-ever in-depth look at the factors that differentiate high-performing training functions and offers you actionable insights and recommendations to apply to improve your training and development organization’s processes and performance.
Learning in 2020 and Beyond
As the world (and the world of work) changes, learning and development (L&D) departments like yours have an unprecedented potential to impact workplace learning through the continuous cultivation of increasingly diverse and adaptable skills within your workforce. Given your pivotal role in maintaining an ever-changing workforce, understanding the key factors impacting your training organization’s functioning has never been more important. This report offers you an approach to structuring your training department processes and practices to create lasting business impact.
Defining “Great”
The highest-performing training organizations are process-oriented, focused on a holistic view of the training function and how its parts interact. They seek to deeply understand problems and have systems in place that allow them to investigate and identify solutions that work in combination to propel their businesses forward. This process-oriented approach offers a critical competitive advantage to the business they support.
Helping You Move From Good to Great
By evaluating the input of thousands of training professionals, this L&D report provides a number of insights that can help you shift your training organization from good to great, including trends in training organization functioning, as well as the key process capabilities that comprise great training and their associated best practices. The report allows you to benchmark against peer organizations and provides two job aids designed to help you apply the findings in your own company.
Specifically, this guide to optimizing your training team’s impact centers around eight process capabilities that over a decade of research has consistently identified as the drivers of great training organization performance:

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*This report offers a follow up to the well-reviewed book, “What Makes a Great Training Organization?” by Doug Harward and Ken Taylor.
For more information on the process capabilities that make up a great training organization, don’t miss these articles:
Strategic Alignment: The Foundation of a Great Training Organization
Without strategic alignment, business functions would be chasing drastically different goals and objectives, resulting in little to no business impact. This article shares strategies for ensuring that your training programs are aligned to your organization’s strategy and goals. |
Content Development: The Best Practices of Great Training Organizations
Great training organizations understand that training content is integral to enhancing overall performance and achieving business objectives. This article shares insights into learning reinforcement, the selection of technologies and techniques, and how to listen to your learners to understand their needs. |
Training Diagnostics in Great Training Organizations: Listening, Identifying Problems and Recommending Solutions
The role of the training manager involves, among other responsibilities, training diagnostics and identifying performance issues. This article explores how to identify business and learner needs, determine whether training can address them, and recommending solutions to do so. |
Great Training Organizations Know How to Deliver
Training delivery, a term referring to how learning is presented to learners, is one of the key process capabilities of great training organizations. This article shares information on types of delivery methods and tips on how to choose the right one for any given training program. |
Reporting and Analysis: How Great Training Organizations Share the Story of Training’s Impact
High-performing training organizations do not assume training is effective; instead, they have a process in place to track and analyze metrics to determine that training is improving the performance of the business. This article shares strategies for evaluating training and communicating results. |
Great Training Organizations Integrate Technologies Seamlessly
This article explores a few ways learning leaders can enhance their approach to managing and integrating the many learning technologies they use while strengthening relationships across business functions and increasing accessibility to the information employees need most. |
Great Training Organizations Master the Art of Portfolio Management in Three Steps
In today’s dynamic business environment, L&D function must keep its training portfolios fresh with content that addresses not only current business needs but future ones as well. To that end, this articles shares three steps to effective portfolio management. |
Leading a Great Training Organization: Administration and Vendor Services
Administrative services is a baseline capability that supports all the others, so doing it well is important. This article shares strategies for excelling at administering training processes, including managing relationships with training providers |