It’s not that learning isn’t important. However, what many participants say they gain most from training has little to do with the content or quality of the learning itself.
Tag: networking
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Global Woman Club is helping to keep businesswomen across the world connected through the launch of its new online platform, Global Woman Lobby. Since its launch earlier this month, over 3,000 women from 38 countries have signed up.
Whether it’s your company party, association festivities, or celebration with family and friends, a holiday party is an opportunity to have fun but also to network. Networking at holiday shindigs can be different from traditional business gatherings.
Internal networking is an important and effective tool for training professionals wishing to take the next step up in their organizations. When done properly, being connected within your own organization provides meaningful benefits.
With a greater awareness of what’s holding women back, talent professionals can create more learning and development opportunities for themselves and for other women in their organization.
Create your own community of trusted colleagues and allies from a place of authentic generosity and honesty. It will provide support and engagement – and they’re worth a standing ovation for sure.
Learning and development professionals tend to primarily focus on other learners and lose focus on ourselves, but forgetting about your own lifelong education can be problematic.
With the help of a mentor, you can further your knowledge and learn tips and tricks of the trade. In the end, mentoring benefits you, your company and the individuals you have a hand in training.
Keeping your professional network “healthy” is good for you. It may even save your career one day.
Business is a human-to-human endeavor, and anyone who thinks his or her product or service speaks for itself is sorely mistaken.