As we enter a new year, the topic of change, the rate of change, the nature of change and how we react to it is top of mind. As a function, L&D is at the heart of many meaningful changes inside our organizations. We are often leaned upon to prepare our employees with the new skills they will need to handle their new realities. I have always appreciated Cassandra Worthy’s point of view on change in that she strongly believes that we need skills specifically to deal with and embrace change. Managing change is a practiced skill that we should be adding to every employee’s required development because it is needed for the workplace we are in today. Companies that embrace change will outperform the market and retain their employees. Cassandra’s “Anthem of a Change Enthusiast” leans into the ideas that change is hard, but if we embrace it and the often difficult emotions it inspires, we as employees will grow because of it.
We are change enthusiasts.
We don’t ignore the feelings of change, we embrace them.
We know change as this living, ever-evolving, ever-present, infinite, non-linear phenomenon.
And it can be tough. REALLY tough.
But we are change enthusiasts.
We embrace that our growth potential is determined by what happens at the intersection of change and emotion.
We trust that the difficult emotions change inspires signal opportunity, a chance …
To grow.
To evolve.
Fear. It’s a signal.
Frustration. It’s a signal.
Anxiety? A signal.
We don’t ignore these emotions, pretending they don’t exist in a blinding haze of optimism.
We allow these feelings to FLOW then INSPIRE.
To inspire us into the choice that will bring about a better feeling.
To inspire us into the choice that will begin to slowly shift our reality.
For we are change enthusiasts.
This is our practice.
Using the emotions of change to guide us through the opportunity to choose growth. Learning. Connection.
To choose better.
And we accept that practice is tough.
Practice takes effort. Practice rains tears, races hearts, and pours sweat. But the fruit of the hours, days and weeks of practice … is excellence.
We are change enthusiasts.
We welcome change because of the certain knowing that it all happens not TO us, but FOR us.
It all happens for us!
We anticipate it. We embrace it. We create it.
For we are change enthusiasts.
We know that the more we practice experiencing change, the better and better we become at using our mindset to grow through it. At recognizing our feelings as signals. At committing to the choice work to maximize the opportunities change presents.
We know it is in the practice of our mindset that the pace of evolution to our BEST-self accelerates.
For we are change enthusiasts.
We take full responsibility for how our enthusiasm inspires.
And we welcome it.
We know our enthusiasm for change is contagious and we are leading in its global outbreak.
Because …
We are change enthusiasts.
Watch the “Anthem of a Change Enthusiast” film and learn more about how you can embrace change as a change enthusiast here.