Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the business world across industries — and it’s a sensation in the corporate training landscape too. Its advent has revolutionized the learning and development (L&D) world.

New AI-powered learning formats are capable of empowering employees to perform better. Read on to explore the challenges in corporate training and how AI can help mitigate them for businesses to thrive.

3 Key Challenges Associated With Corporate Training and How AI Helps Overcome Them

Challenge 1: Lack of Personalized Learning

Every learner is unique and so are their preferences. The challenge lies with L&D teams to cater to a variety of preferences, especially with the increasing need for training and the pressure of rolling out courses under a time crunch. It can be difficult to assess individual learning needs and preferences and chalk out exclusive training programs that suit different groups of learners. Consequently, the impact of training on learners can suffer due to the lack of learner engagement and active participation.

How AI Can Help: AI, when infused in learning management systems (LMSs) can analyze huge volumes of data to analyze individual learner behavior. It can also help you with customized reports regarding individual learner progress and provide you with insights regarding popular courses and the ones that are not so popular. Based on these insights, you can craft personalized learning journeys for your learners without wasting time in manual analysis of humongous data sets.

Challenge 2: Monotonous and Boring Course Content

Businesses are dynamic — to cope with rapid change, organizations are looking for ways to innovate. Skill development has become equally important to keep up with the pulse of the industry. Content is the core of any training program. Amidst pressure to roll out training programs quickly, it becomes difficult to create unique content for every course.

How AI Can Help: Quality, engaging content is an important factor in successful online training courses. AI can expedite the process of content creation and relieve your subject matter experts (SMEs) and L&D specialists from the pain of creating content. AI tools can produce smart content in various formats to make learning easy, engaging and impactful.

Popular AI tools such as Vyond Go can help you create awesome microlearning videos. With tools like this, your learning design and development team doesn’t have to work on the storyboards or video scripts: All you have to do is enter a prompt and your editable video draft is ready in no time.

Another AI-powered authoring tool, Synthesia offers you the privilege to create videos using AI avatars. You can also choose from a vast library of templates to expedite the video creation process and make videos in 120 different languages to cater to your global learners and foster a culture of diversity and inclusivity.

Tools like Canva can help you with catchy infographics and carousels that are just right for just-in-time learning. Another AI tool, ChatGPT, can be handy in creating content from relevant keywords and questions. You can also use the tool to design captive PowerPoint presentations for your classroom or virtual instructor-led training (VILT) sessions.

Challenge 3: Poor LMS Administration

Creating awesome courses without a supportive LMS is of no use. Investing in an LMS can help you host and manage all your online courses seamlessly. It also ensures easy accessibility for your learners and makes learning easy and organized. The onus of ensuring a seamless learning experience for your learners lies with the LMS admins. Their task is challenging as it includes keeping track of the courses uploaded, cleaning up the LMS by regularly deleting obsolete courses, archiving old courses once the updated versions are up and more. They also analyze reports generated by learning analytics and provide insights to the L&D teams regarding the best-performing and not-so-good-performing courses.

How AI Can Help: AI-powered LMS platforms can save you time, money and effort. You can leverage the power of AI to relieve your employees from mundane administrative tasks and deploy them for other crucial business priorities that scale ROI. AI admin assistance can also help you with managing tasks like sorting courses, sending notifications and alerts to learners for upcoming courses and webinars and assigning courses based on learners’ past behavior. Modern advanced LMSs can analyze complicated data and statistics and generate customized reports to provide you insights about your learners’ progress and performance of online courses. You can use these detailed reports to reflect and revise the learning modules to enhance learning and offer immersive learning experiences.

AI and Corporate Training — The Perfect Duo

AI is revolutionizing multiple facets of our lives. Its impact on the corporate L&D domain is noteworthy. The integration of AI into corporate L&D is crucial to keep up with the pace of the rapidly changing world of learning. It is essential for organizations to embrace the power of AI and craft their L&D strategies to match modern learners’ needs and preferences.

Leveraging AI for corporate training can help make the lives of L&D managers easier.


Want to learn more? Watch this video about what the future of AI holds for corporate training.