We can’t deny it: Artificial technology is the new black. More and more industries are adopting artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize, automate and enhance workflows, and training is no exception. This technology is especially useful when creating content for training programs and assessments.

However, AI is not a magic wand that will simply do everything for you with a single wave. Using AI to build training content offers great opportunities, but it also comes with risks. In this article, we’ll cover both to help you make an informed decision about incorporating AI into your training content creation process.

Opportunities: 5 Uses for AI in Content Development

AI advancements not only streamline the content creation process but also ensure its relevance, engagement and global accessibility — for a more impactful learning experience.

Here are several impactful ways to leverage AI in content development:

1.  Generate training content ideas.

Are you struggling to come up with a concept for your new leadership coaching program, sales management training or employee onboarding track? Just ask AI to help! Simple generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Google Bard are great at providing ideas for various training scenarios. Get a fresh perspective and suggestions on the training program structure and outline, content topics, training video scripts, assessment methods and more.

Pro tip: When working with one of these platforms, it’s a good idea to master prompt writing to make sure that AI will deliver the content you need.

The main aspects of a quality prompt are:

  • Clear actions such as “create,” “don’t include” or “list.”
  • Context for the environment, audience or task.
  • The role or persona the AI should assume.
  • Other relevant specifics: timeline, activities to include, etc.

For example, a prompt might look like this:

Design a one-hour interactive employee training workshop on workplace diversity. Assume the role of an HR trainer and outline the key activities, discussion topics, and learning objectives that will engage employees and promote a more inclusive workplace.”

2.  Build training activities.

Now that you’re equipped with content ideas, you can ask AI to tailor training activities for you.

AI can generate:

  • Interactive quizzes to test your trainees’ knowledge after completing a training module.
  • Scenario-based simulations to train employees in decision-making and problem-solving.
  • Role-play exercises to practice communication and conflict resolution.
  • Case studies for analysis and discussion.
  • Personalized learning paths to cater to individual trainees’ progress and needs.

Once again, be specific with the requests you make to the AI assistant to get the most relevant and effective training activities tailored to your goals and audience.

3.  Create training videos like a pro.

You no longer need a big production team to create videos for your training programs; leave this task to AI. Modern text-to-video tools like Synthesia and InVideo transform your scripts into videos in just a few clicks. You can automatically add subtitles and edit the video clips with the help of built-in editing features. Record your voice-over or leverage the text-to-speech functionality to add commentary to the visual sequences easily.

AI text-to-video tools offer various templates and extra perks, like text animations and stickers, to make your training videos more engaging. You can also add branded watermarks to each video to reinforce brand identity and avoid copyright issues.

4.  Translate your training content fast.

If you want to deliver training content to trainees in different languages, AI is a valuable asset that can accelerate the process. AI-powered language translation and localization tools, including DeepL and Google Translate, can translate your training materials into multiple languages efficiently and ensure that your content reaches a diverse and global audience.

Pro tip: If your training content includes complex concepts or culturally sensitive topics or terminology, make sure subject matter experts and native experts review the AI-translated content before it is included in the published training materials. That way, you’ll avoid costly mistakes and cultural inaccuracies in the translated versions of your training program.

5.  Enhance the design of your training content.

Platforms like Canva and Adobe now employ AI-driven design suggestions that can help you improve the design of your training presentations and courses without a professional designer. You can choose from a variety of templates, color schemes and graphics tailored to your content to create visually appealing materials in a matter of minutes.

Additionally, AI can analyze user preferences and engagement data from your training programs to optimize content layout and visual elements. This guarantees that your training materials are not only informative but also visually engaging.

Risks: The Limits of AI

AI seems to be a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to training content creation. However, as with any other tool, it has limitations you need to be aware of.

1.  Lack of authenticity.

AI-generated content is not unique. After all, it’s the result of processing the vast amounts of pre-existing data that’s been fed to an algorithm. AI cannot be creative in the way that humans can. It might struggle to produce content that is original or emotionally resonant, which can lead to training materials that lack depth and authenticity.

2.  The need for quality control.

AI always needs oversight to ensure the quality of training content. While AI can automate many tasks, it’s not infallible. Errors, inaccuracies and irrelevant information can creep into its suggestions. That’s why quality control, involving human review and validation, is crucial to maintaining the accuracy and focus of your training programs.

3.  Bias.

AI algorithms can’t help but perpetuate biases that are present in the data they’ve been fed. For example, an AI-powered training platform, based on historical data, may recommend training content favoring certain departments, which limits the diversity of skill development. Eliminating such biases is difficult, so algorithm decisions also need human oversight.

4.  Privacy and security.

Creating training materials, especially for programs such as compliance training, can involve sensitive data. When you give AI access to this data, it’s no longer 100% secure. Make sure to audit and update security protocols regularly, conduct thorough risk assessments and choose AI tools with strong data encryption algorithms to avoid data leaks. It’s also a good idea not to include any sensitive information in the prompts for AI assistants.

5.  Overreliance on AI.

It can be tempting to turn to AI for instant results and quick fixes. However, overreliance on AI can lead to a disconnect from the human element in training, thus reducing the personalization and adaptability of the learning experience. It’s important to strike a balance between AI and human expertise to create compelling, result-driven training content.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, AI is a versatile tool that offers a multitude of opportunities to enrich training content creation practices. Yet, it’s not without its drawbacks. Using AI requires a balanced approach between benefits and risks.

Bottom line: The best way to leverage AI for building training content is to treat it like an assistant, not an independent creator. Use its ideas, but always double-check them and polish the content with your team. It can be an amazing asset when implemented wisely.