The key trends for 2018 reflect the challenge and opportunity for training professionals to develop learning experiences that enable learners to reach proficiency in the shortest amount of time.
Features This Issue
One of the most pressing forces of change in today’s world, across all aspects of society, is digital disruption.
Einstein reputedly said, “Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.” These sage words have never been more pertinent.
One question that senior leaders and CEOs often ask is, “How do we get people more engaged with our strategy?” Research indicates that most employees want not only to understand the strategy but to contribute to it.
Just as good instructional designers should focus on L&D efforts that solve practical problems or address known competency gaps, evaluation should be planned based on knowledge of how to best measure and convey value to organizational stakeholders.
Is it possible to define, in systematic terms, what fuels the effectiveness of great leaders? Is there a magical predictor of success? A specific recipe that, if replicated, can always produce a leader who delivers optimal results?
30 May 20241:00 pm ET
Creating an environment where employees can thrive even when they encounter a competitive marketplace of wrenching change is the primary reason to train them.
The best corporate training departments operate as small, entrepreneurial businesses within the greater enterprise.

Training Industry Magazine
Best practices for developing effective training programs.
Thought Leaders This Issue
As training professionals, we are in the business of learning. We work with company executives to identify the goals and objectives of the business and we uncover problems that undermine the performance of our organizations.
In learning and performance, our business is helping to shape behavior that improves business results. Everything we do and say creates our brand and our brand’s reputation can have an impact on our ability to be effective.
Understanding how the brain works could revolutionize your learning business. Consider the following principles to accentuate your business approach to learning.
Those who market products to end-user consumers have cracked the code on connecting for mutual benefit. These three specific approaches may have direct application to the training and learning environment.
If you ask Hall of Fame caliber coaches in competitive collegiate athletics to reveal the secret of their success, literally all of them will respond by saying one thing: “Talent!”
Despite the dedication, heart and hours that learning professionals pour into developing corporate training programs, learners often fail to foster the same level of enthusiasm for training as the developers.
Early in my career, I worked for a mid-sized, mostly stagnant company. The business had an unhealthy culture focused on margins and cutting costs in some of the worst ways.
Info Exchanges This Issue
Building a learning function from scratch for a 50-year-old-startup is like turning Harmony of the Seas, the world’s largest cruise ship. It’s more than a business maneuver; it’s setting a direction for an entirely new learning culture within a company.
When faced with the task of evaluating training, a common approach is to solicit feedback using smile sheets.
As businesses look to become more digital and efficient, HR and training technology providers are developing offerings that integrate HR and L&D processes on one platform.