Wednesday, March 10 | 11:00 – 11:45 a.m. E.T.

As learning professionals, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer number of learning technologies out there. New vendors, tools and approaches hit the market constantly. How do you evaluate the many options available and determine which best align to your desired learning experience, technology constraints, business needs and budget?

In this session, Cara Halter and Tom Pizer, directors of innovation research and development with GP Strategies, will explore the technologies that make up a strong learning ecosystem and share how they helped one client sort through the noise to identify a gamification platform that met their needs.

This interactive session will provide easy-to-understand insights on:

  • Learning technology ecosystems.
  • Gamification platforms.
  • Learning experience design principles.
  • Processes for identifying and evaluating learning technologies.


View full agenda.


Cara Halter, Director of Learning Innovation Research and Development, GP Strategies
Cara Halter is the director of innovation research & development for GP Strategies, where she consults with clients on digital learning transformation, creation of innovative digital learning experiences, and learner-centric design principles to maximize business impact through learning.
Cara has 20+ years of experience working with Fortune 500 companies and a master’s degree in instructional design & technology (UGA). She has split her professional experience between an internal L&D team at a financial services company and as a consultant with top learning companies, giving her a true customer-focused approach in designing, developing and delivering learning solutions. She has worked with clients in finance, pharmaceutical, insurance, technology, and retail to transform their learning operations, optimize their learning systems, and create award-winning programs. Her deep knowledge and experience in digital learning technologies and instructional design continue to drive her passion for finding creative ways to address the needs of the modern leaner.
Tom Pizer, Director of Learning Innovation Research and Development, GP Strategies
Tom Pizer is the director of learning technologies for GP’s Learning Solutions Group and has over 20 years of experience in the technical digital-media field. He has an extensive background in a variety of creative and technical mediums including digital media specification, production, testing, and implementation. During his career Tom has created, specified, directed, and/or managed hundreds of hours of educational, instructional, and entertainment-based media and has served clients in a wide variety of markets including the Federal government, trade associations, commercial organizations, and educational institutions. A key aspect of Tom’s responsibilities includes staying abreast of emerging technologies and in-tune with the latest development methodologies, standards, and practices. To this end he takes part in a monthly advisory meetings for several of GP’s clients to ensure that their courseware is of the highest caliber and meeting rigorous development requirements. Tom is also the technical lead for several proprietary GP technologies that are designed to reduce overall development time while increasing the creativity and diversity of GP’s body of work.