The technology stack for L&D ecosystems is in a state of constant evolution and expansion. How do you get your arms around the chaos and really make technology work to advance learning and development while humanizing the learning experience?

In this talk, Pooja Singh Mehta, principal consultant at NIIT, will share best practices to maximize your investments in learning technology with some real-world examples and case studies.

This interactive session will provide easy-to-understand insights on:

  • How the learning technology landscape is evolving.
  • Selecting the right mix of technologies that work for your business and your learners.
  • Maximizing your investment through adoption, governance and best practices.
  • Practical examples of learning technology stacks in leading organizations.


Pooja Singh Mehta, Principal Consultant, NIIT
Pooja leads the Global Consulting and Advisory Services practice for NIIT. She has over 20 years of experience in strategy, design, development, deployment and impact measurement of learning and a rich experience of working with global companies, across industry verticals. Transforming learning operating models, integrating learning with broader talent management practices, enhancing alignment of training to business, optimizing cost structures, helping organizations transition from traditional delivery formats to technology-enabled delivery formats and transforming learning portfolios are some of the areas where Pooja has supported organizations.