Going micro is more than just delivering bite-sized content. There are many different use cases and they meet learner needs in different ways. This creates a challenge for us to identify the best design practices and implementation methods. When we understand HOW we are meeting the learner’s needs, we deliver microlearning that has value for the learner and the organization.

In this Training Industry Leader Talk, Carla Torgerson, head of learning strategy at TorranceLearning, will share 20 ways to go micro, why microlearning needs to be learner-centered and practical tips for centering your microlearning strategy around your learners.



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Carla Torgerson, Head of Learning Experience Strategy, TorranceLearning

Carla Torgerson has nearly 20 years of experience as an instructional designer and instructional strategist. Currently head of learning experience strategy at TorranceLearning, Carla dives deep into complex client projects, helping to deliver performance solutions that both consider the learner’s needs and meet business objectives. Carla and the team at TorranceLearning help a variety of organizations connect learning strategy to design, development, data and ultimately performance. In addition to strategic consulting and design, Carla is the product manager for TorranceLearning’s Eleventure® course series and the ID Ways of Working (WoW!) professional development community.