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How to Conduct a Strategic Onboarding Process

3 min read
One of the biggest ways to retain employees is with a solid onboarding program — which means many learning professionals will need to streamline and improve their onboarding processes.
By using artificial intelligence (AI)-based connected worker platforms — which harness the power of artificial intelligence and mobile device connectivity — employers can streamline onboarding processes and deliver comprehensive training experiences.

Best Practices for New Hire Training

3 min read
New employees should feel supported from the beginning and excited to start their new journey. Providing effective training can help your new employees learn the skills they need to be productive and successful in their roles.

How To Reduce Time to Proficiency for New Hires

3 min read
Reducing time to proficiency for new hires involves defining an individual onboarding plan, targeting the competencies and knowledge that are needed to perform the specific job within your organization.